Adventures of a rural creative…

Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

Un-busy Your Mind + Utilise Your Time In A More Intentional Way!

There is this wave of busy-ness flooding through the business community and I hear it every day. There is just so much to do and so little time to do it and I feel it’s a trap we have fallen into.

But, there is only so far you can go running in the “busy” direction before something has to give, and as a creative, it’s going to be your creativeness.

In today's episode, I have invited Renee from Life and Business In Alignment onto the podcast to chat about how to “un-busy” your mind so that you are able to direct your focus into more productive areas. So that you can utilise your time in a more mindful way, get all those tasks done without feeling chaotic and busy and in turn operate from that beautiful creative space that this all began from for you in the first place!

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