Un-busy Your Mind + Utilise Your Time In A More Intentional Way!


Welcome to episode 14!

There is this wave of busy-ness flooding through the business community and I hear it every day. There is just so much to do and so little time to do it and I feel it’s a trap we have fallen into. I have found that business owners are more busy than ever trying to keep up with the demands of running a business, making an income and being present at home. 

There is only so far you can go running in the “busy” direction before something has to give. And as a creative, it’s going to be your creativeness. You know, that to be creative your minds need that space to do so. We need stillness, openness, and clear mindedness. Not burn out and chaos. Creativity does not thrive well here. Yet “busy” is what we are searching for all the time. And I feel like it’s because regional business owners are often made to believe that you aren’t successful if you aren’t busy. We answer the question - how are you - with “oh, I’m so busy”. 

But, unbeknownst to us, the energy from this is actually damaging not only the health of your business, but YOU. Because, as you will discover today on the podcast, what you say in your reality actually influences the results you receive because of the actions you are taking AND therefore overall how you feel about your business + life in general. The more you say you're busy, the more you will be and not only in the good areas but in all areas of your life. Not leaving any space for you to be creative or to thrive.

So today, I have invited Renee from life and business in alignment to join me on the podcast and chat about how to “un-busy” your mind so that you are able to direct your focus into more productive areas, utilise your time in a more mindful way, get all those tasks done without feeling chaotic and busy and in turn operate from that beautiful creative space that this all began from in the first place!

The issue we address in today’s podcast is something that I believe every regional small business owner needs to hear and I would be so grateful if you like today’s episode to screenshot and share it in your socials. Let’s get this message out there to our creative community and change the way we feel about our businesses! Let’s get back to being creative and doing what we love!

Connect With Renee:

👉 For more information on Renee’s services - www.lifeinalignment.com.au

👉 DM Renee on Facebook - @lifeinalignment1111

What’s next…

Are you a regional small business owner, creative or aspiring and in need of help with branding, marketing, sales, customer experience or even just growing your confidence within business?

Well say hello to your new business bestie! We offer 1:1 business coaching for regional creatives who want to bring their dreams to life and help you through the obstacles holding you back to achieving your biggest goals! Click here to chat today about 1:1 coaching for your business :)


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