What Do You Really Want?

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If I asked you to write down your top goal for the next 12 months…

… would you be able to write your goal in under 2 minutes?

The #1 question I see small business owners struggle to answer is…

👉👉 What is your top goal for the next 12 months? What would you really like to achieve?

So often I hear answers that include:

🌿 success
🌿 financial stability
🌿 freedom

And don’t get me wrong, these are all AMAZING answers! But, these answers are WHY you want to achieve something… they aren’t the WHAT.

These answers aren’t measurable goals!!

How will you know when you have reached success in your business, made a stable income or achieved freedom without listing the tangibles?

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When writing out your GOALS, be as specific as possible. The more specific you are the better chance you have of actually achieving what you want!

Taylah Maree

Try driving around in your car for an hour with no destination. Yes, that might be fun for a while, but if you don't know where you are going how do you know where you will end up?

This is the same in business! Do you struggle to write down your goals too, because if you do, you certainly aren’t alone!

But, when you know where you are headed in business your chances of actually getting there are majorly increased and I am talking about your goals specifically!

You naturally seek out the answers to questions, solutions to problems and you will find the way to get there. You will find a way to achieve what you want because you know exactly what that is and you believe in why you want it.

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Looking For Actionable Steps To Help You Move Forward?

If you feel you aren't achieving your goals, or you don't feel successful in business then maybe it is because you actually don't know what you want from your business. If you struggle to know your goals (or had trouble answering the question up above in under 2 minutes) then try this little exercise today!

— What do you really want to achieve in your business?

Before you go to bed tonight, I challenge you to write out your goals list. This is a list of goals you want to achieve in the next week, month, 3 months and one year.

Instead of writing them down altogether, take a piece of paper and rule it into quarters. In each quarter write down the date that will be 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and a year from today. See the photo…

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Now, take some time to write down what you would like to achieve in those timeframes. The catch is, what you write has to be TANGIBLE - something you can measure.

The reason for this is so you don't move your own goals posts.

If you simply write success, then how will you know that you have been successful? Be really specific and if your answer is a little vague, then ask yourself what does that look like for me. What does success/freedom/(insert your answer here) look like for me?


  • One employee by December 17th 2021

  • $1500 by September 24th 2021

  • 10 new clients by October 17th 2021

  • $100,000 by September 17th 2022

Now, take a look at your list. Look at what you want to achieve in your business. Does this make you proud, excited, scared?

You may end up with a whole heap of goals on your list but your goals are written within a timeframe for a reason! It can be daunting thinking about ALL your goals, so start at the beginning of your list and keep moving forward. There is so much power in 1% incremental changes.

Lastly, but most importantly…. Don’t forget to take the time to CELEBRATE when you do achieve a goal. This really is the most important step! Showing gratitude and focusing on your wins is how you will keep attracting more! Where your focus goes, your energy flows! Soon you will have ticked off all the goals on your list!

So, if you had to pick just one… one goal that sums up the direction of where you want to go - the direction of all the goals you have listed… what is your #1 goal for the next 12 months? xx

I Am | Taylah Maree-7.jpg

Want to know the next steps for connecting with me :)

  1. If you are a regional small business owner interested in discovering what’s possible for your small business please click here. I would love to share with you the Mindful Business Hub and the tools it can provide for you!

  2. If you want to stay up to date with my adventures, please follow me on Facebook here or Instagram here and don’t forget to say hi :)

  3. If you would like join the Taylah Maree newsletter list, you will receive emails to keep you motivated, inspired + on track to achieving your biggest goals in business and life! Click here to sign up today.


Celebrate Your Wins…


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